The Dior bag controversy really hit home. You can understand why it would push people to buy fakes on the beach for the same price or less. The issue I have is that craftsmanship even with real high end luxury bags have no value with younger shoppers. It’s all about the 2inch piece of glossy logoed hardware not the lovely smell of beautiful leather or perfectly finished corners. I looked inside a 4K logo bag recently to see zero craftsmanship on the inside. No disrespect to Michael kors or Coach but it could have been one of their bags. It’s sad to see luxury houses get away with this. It’s time for us as consumers either to buy old pre loved good quality designer bags if that’s our ‘bag’ or look at genuine small artisan bag makers who put quality at the fore without compromising on style and design

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Exactly. And who are these logo obsessed teenagers who can blow 4k on a handbag?

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And if anyone is going to spend that money on a bag, it should be beautiful inside and out

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